Exclusive Interview with Bogdan Coman – Executive Director of ROMBET
Our colleague Szaló Réka managed to catch up for this exclusive interview with Mr. Bogdan Coman, who is the Executive Director of ROMBET ( Romanian Gambling Organizers’ Association).
EEG: Thank you very much for being available for this interview. First I would like to ask you to shortly introduce yourself. I have read in your CV that you have been in this industry for quite a long time. Why did you choose gaming, or may I ask: did the industry choose you? What do you think?
Coman: It’s a rather interesting way of putting it, because this is actually what had happened in my situation. After graduating from university, my initial orientation was towards banking and commerce. It was in a totally non-formal context – at the gym – where I met my first employer from the gaming business. I was looking for something more dynamic and challenging than the banking environment, and truth be told, I was never the suit-and-tie kind of person, in the classical sense of the word. So, with a sense of adventure and excitement that has governed my youth years and is still very much present I would say, I made the leap from total conformity, to non-conformity. From start, I felt the industry fitted me like a glove. I had absolutely no trouble in adapting, thus I got the chance to put some university-acquired skills to work, mainly in marketing in the first stages, but then I moved towards the real challenges of assembling teams and managing workflow. I think that once you get into the industry, there have to be some real changes in the way you see things, I mean fundamental shifts of direction to get out of it. You never get tired or know enough of it to feel that you are stagnant and no longer progressing, broadening your knowledge. It is as glamorous on the inside, as it projects itself for the public, on the outside.
EEG: Currently you are the Executive Director of Rombet. Will you please tell us more about this association, its activity and its goals?
Coman: I have joined Rombet recently and quite naturally because there was a feeling that I was lacking the overview of the industry. I was so busy with specific industries, mainly bingo, slot machines and live casino that I couldn’t yet rise above the tides and look at the gaming business as a whole, to understand the underlying forces that are governing it. This is exactly what I found in Rombet, a professional vehicle with a macro environment perspective, situated at the heart of the industry, at the junction between the regulator, the gambling organizers and other 3rd parties serving the industry, and the players. The association acts for the benefit of all parties who are at stake here. It’s supporting the one hand the organizers, with proving counselling on matters like specific gambling legislation, fiscal and civil legislation, marketing, recruiting, etc. Via our communication infrastructure, we share ideas, examples of good practices, warnings of danger and all relevant information between our members. On the other hand, through our responsible gaming programs, we provide a platform to help people fight addiction and change their views towards a healthier relation to gambling, based on entertainment.
EEG: What role did or does Rombet undertake in developing the legal gambling framework in Romania?
Coman: Considering the European principle of decisional transparency, in the last years, the industry in its whole has contributed to the reshaping of the legal framework. As permanent member of the Consultative Council of the National Gambling Office – a body within the Office which was specially conceived for dialogue between public authorities and the market, we always bring to the table of the law-maker the problems and concerns of the industry, which we get first hand from our members. Since its inception, we have participated in each Council session, and as a result of the market’s joint effort, alongside other associations and important operators, came about the latest changes updating of the Ordinance 77/2009, and most important the application norms stated in the Government Decision 111/2016.
EEG: I suppose you face a lot of difficulties in your work of explaining the current legislation, in implementing gambling projects in Romania. Tell us please about your experiences, the difficulties you have had so far and how did you overcome them.
Coman: Unfortunately the major difficulty comes not from inside the industry, but from a broader perspective. The industry has right now a stable and coherent legal backbone which of course is perfectible, but it’s something straight through, that can be followed by any investor, international or local. The real danger comes from the macroeconomic environment as its whole, meaning from a country level. At most seminars and events where we’ve participated, we could see that we are still looked at as a very interesting market, still with unexploited potential especially in the online sector, but with problematic legal environment. Now that the world is shrinking by the day with all the communication technology which is transforming information and making it accessible almost instantaneously, it should come as no surprise that fingers are pointing at us because of our political instability. This in turn translates into unpredictability for investors which are shifting attention towards markets who can offer a healthy perspective for long term investments. It is only with patience and with a clear depiction of our country’s landscape that one can hope to make a change and leave their mark for stakeholders in this market, institutional and private ones.
EEG: What is your opinion about the actual state of the gambling industry in Romania? What are the major issues that should be solved and what role can Rombet play in this process?
Coman: Romania has now what I would call a roughly mature market, with gambling products that are highly competitive, especially in the slot and betting sectors. But maturity comes with a price, because it segregates the old style operators, the ones which did not strive for improvement, for progress, from the new comers and the innovators, who saw that only with investments and desire for better you can remain competitive nowadays and grow your business. And this is only one perspective of the industry. The other one is the sometimes divergent interests of the land-based and the online markets. And examples can continue. We see ourselves and the other associations in the industry as mediators and facilitators for everybody who has a stake here. As we don’t seek profit, we can channel all effort toward fighting for a fair market, that suits the interests of both online and land based operators, both small and big ones, and across all branches (casino, bingo, slots, betting) in an unbiased manner.
EEG: I am sure that the association you represent has a clear vision regarding the future of gaming industry in Romania and why not of Europe. Please tell us about the future or near future plans of Rombet.
Coman: One can only predict the future of the industry, relaying on key indicators of the present. From what we can see happening in the industry, the global tendency of migration from traditional to online is present within the gambling environment also, with a growth of this sector far greater than its land based brother. Also, with the global landscape of increasing violence and uncertainty, we can expect authorities to tighten their grip on all industries, especially the ones that are more exposed to money laundering (right now it’s on public debate a legislative proposal with aim to harmonize the European directive AMLD4 against money laundering with the domestic legislation)
EEG: In our country things change very quickly and unfortunately we have to admit that the political and economic situation of our country is not stable enough, it is rather unstable and hectic. Does this affect your work? Does it hinder you and the association you represent in reaching your goals?
Coman: Of course the unstable politic climate takes its toll on everyone, but we prefer to look at the full half of the glass. There have been 4 years of stability as regards to public authorities involved directly in the gambling market. The NGO has been doing a great job so far, and probably its birth was the best thing that happened to the industry as regards to regulation. Now that the management has changed, we are even more optimistic because the current President comes from among us, has loads of experience in the private sector of gambling and therefore he can help speed-up processes and find ways to eliminate bureaucracy, which is still one of the flaws in the system. The underlying problem remains the fact that at the end of the day, the NGO is still subordinated to the Government, and when there’s instability in the first line, all the other lines stand to suffer, not just because of actual changes, but because the psychology of the public worker is greatly affected by the overall uncertainty, and so productivity is plummeting. So, from our standpoint, probably one of the biggest challenges that we are facing is working with demotivated people, who would rather wait for something to happen instead of making something happen. And this is not only in the public sector, this perspective has spread to private sector also.
EEG: Fortunately Rombet has a lot of members. For me this means that you have more and more partners who help you to achieve your plans. Tell me please more about membership; who can be a member of Rombet, what are the advantages of being a member, and also what feedback do you get from your members.
Coman: Our organization has grown very healthy over the last years. More and more operators see the opportunities that lie in being part of a greater group, and how their interests will be better sustained when they join forces. Right now Rombet has over 40 members, out of which more than 10 are international companies. We pride ourselves by being the only association with a global view on the industry, because we don’t target specific sectors, we represent the industry in its whole, and because of that we have most types of licensed companies from the Romanian gambling industry: large betting companies, large slot halls organizers, medium and small betting organizers, online international operators, domestic online organizers, auditors, certifiers, slot management system providers, platform providers, game providers, slot machine vendors. Basically our doors are open for anyone in the gambling market, because as I have said, we promote the interests of the entire market, not of different niches. Being a part of the Rombet family comes with advantages first because you are part of a community, where members support one-another and exchange information more rapidly. Second is the fact that members interests and threats faced in their activity are regularly brought to the attention of the regulator, within the sessions of the Consultative Council, so Rombet acts as a link between the organizers and the NGO. Third but not least, we council and provide specialized advice for our members, especially for international ones who don’t have the in-depth knowledge of the market and how all the wheels are spinning.
EEG: Which has been the most successful experience since you have worked at Rombet?
Coman: It’s still early to boast with successful achievements, but I think in the last few months, the most rewarding experience for me was that I could put to the test the knowledge acquired in the years of working in this industry, and hopefully we’ll see in the future how this will help grow our association even further and in turn provide more valuable experience for our members.
EEG: If you could change anything in the world of gambling what would that be?
Coman: I hope you are not referring to the whole world of gambling, because it’s too tough a question for me 🙂 . If you are asking me about “our world” of gambling – Romania, the answer is perception. I would change the public perception of our industry. There is still too much exaggeration when it comes to the negative side of gambling in Romania. We need to be more objective. Our industry is not doing more harm to society than fast food industry for example, or beverage industry. It’s all about balance. If you are a responsible person, you understand that gambling is for fun, and therefore you can no longer stigmatize the industry of being harmful. Of course problem gamblers are part of the industry, and it is in operators and authorities responsibility to pay as much attention and offer as much help as possible for them, but they are a small fraction of the market. The rest of it, are people just like you and me, who enjoy the boost of adrenaline when they are making a bet. It ultimately comes down to acknowledging that there is just a difference in semantics between “lose” and “spend”. When you go to the restaurant, to the movies, on vacation, you don’t “lose money”, you “spend money”. That’s exactly what happens when you gamble, you “spend money” for a passion, for adrenaline, for excitement.
EEG: Who is your favourite actor or actress?
Coman: Kevin Spacey
EEG: Where would you travel the most in Central Europe?
Coman: So far I have traveled the most to Austria, mainly because of my passion for skiing and snowboarding. I also enjoy Czech Republic a great deal, and I think from a business perspective, I would travel most to Poland because I view it as the cradle of biggest opportunities for gambling.
EEG: Which are those places in Central Europe that you are not interested in, and you would not like to visit them?
Coman: Experience so far has taught me that opportunity sometimes lies where you expect the least, and so there is no place or activities related to my work that I am not interested in. There are just some that are more interesting than others. I welcome any challenge, and would travel anywhere to expand my experience and broaden my views.
EEG: Thank you for the interview Mr. Coman, we really appreciate it. Have a lovely summer and all the best to you!

Exclusive Interview with Christian Maglia, Head of Sales at BetGames.TV
Our colleague, Szaló Réka interviewed Christian Maglia who is the Head of Sales at BetGames.TV. Mr. Maglia is a really dynamic, proactive and open-minded person with great experience within business development (B2B Sales), marketing and management in the Payments, New Media and Internet Gaming industries.
Through the years Mr. Maglia has been working as Sales Manager and Business Developer, Sales and Marketing Manager, Director of Sales and Marketing in Sweden, Italy, UK, Germany, Spain, Israel, Gibraltar and Malta with customers in UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Czech Rep., Bulgaria, Romania, Russia & CIS countries, Australia, Macedonia, Sweden, Turkey, Austria and India which naturally have given him a large network of contacts. From January 2017 he moved to BetGames.TV, a developer and distributor of an innovative own video-streamed fixed odds betting on LIVE presented GAMES.
I would like to thank you for spending time to answer our questions. First I would kindly ask you to shortly introduce yourself.
CM: It’s a pleasure for me to spend sometime with you. To quickly present myself, I can tell you that I started to work in the industry almost 17 years ago…..
After a few years spent between Italy, Malta, Gibraltar and UK working for a number of gaming companies (Globet, CBM, as well as platform providers (Wirex, Portomaso) and payment solution providers (the Swedish Trustly) I worked from middle 2014 to the end of 2016 as Director sales at Sportradar AG, the world’s leading supplier of sports related data and streamed content where I had the privilege to work with some of the top gaming companies like IGT, Snai, Sisal, Eurobet, Intralot, Novomatic, Admiral, Microgame, Pokerstars and many others. From January 2017 I moved to BetGames.TV where as Head of Sales, I developed the whole new Sales organization managing different territories and regions included Africa, Asia, South America and Europe.
If I look back at what I did in the last 17 years, I’d really have a lot to talk about. I can remember between the most important facts, being the one who brought the eSports into the Italian highly regulated betting market in 2016 or being the one who brought the first betting company on a Champions’ League match as main jersey sponsor of Real Betis Balompiè ( During my years at Sportradar, I also was able to sell the NBA, Bundesliga and the Italian Serie A live stream of the matches to the main betting operator in the Italian Market…. Here at BetGames.
A few years ago BetGames.TV presented an innovation in the betting industry; a different approach and style of betting. Will you please tell more about this for our readers?
CM: BetGames.TV is a developer and distributor of its own video-streamed LIVE GAMES. They were created based on inspiration of quote by Leonardo da Vinci „Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication“. We combine traditional betting with popular lotteries and table games. They are simple enough for players to easily catch on to the idea. We provide solutions for retail betting shops and online platforms. We offer well known games to bet on their outcomes. Three different lotteries every 5 minutes, two dice games and Wheel of Fortune every 3 minutes and three non-stop action cards games.
What does BetGames.TV offer to the players that traditional roulette does not? Will you please tell more about the services BetGames.TV provides?
CM: First of all – we offer fixed odds betting. Yes, we have tables with beautiful presenters and sometimes our service is mixed with a live dealer solution. But we started this concept with the very own idea. And didn’t want to offer what others already do. We have very different risk levels – you don’t have such variety at the traditional roulette table. We have something for everybody. Low odds (high probability) for conservative players and sky-rocketing high odds (low probability) for the jackpot hunters. In the industry there are not many products what could offer multipliers in such wide range 1.01-2000.
I suppose that the advanced and fast developing technology influences the products your company offers. What impact does consumer technology have on your choices?
CM: I think it’s a great spot to mention that UAB “TV Zaidimai” (company behind BetGames.TV brand) claimed the 13th place in the “Deloitte Technology Fast 50 in Central Europe”. Our achievement was greatly influenced by an imposing growth rate of 981% in the last four years. It takes passion, dedication, and innovation to join this elite group of the fastest-growing technology companies, and being recognized as a Fast 50 Laureate helps propel our company even further. BetGames.TV was growing up steadily from the very start. Thanks for a combined total of 100+ years betting and lottery experience of shareholders. New markets are reached and conquered every quarter by our superb sales team. New countries and new partners require innovative solutions – technical wise as well. And we’re accepting these challenges with a pride. For example, we have a solution for countries with limited internet connection. A dedicated satellite channel covers the whole of sub-Saharan Africa region.
What upcoming events is the company focusing on nowadays and how prepared is the company for these events?
CM: ICE and Enada Primavera. Everybody waits for exhibition in London. The biggest, the most important and the most visited event during the year. We are looking to meet many of our existing partners and greet a lot of possible ones. As a tradition we will distribute calendars with our beautiful presenters once again. And this year the calendar is very special. Trust me – it’s a collection of masterpieces. Come to our stand-gallery S1-102 and see yourself.
Then we will go to Rimini in March. It will be a first time with the stand in Italy. I’m very excited about that!
Tell us please about the future plans, projects of BetGames.TV.
CM: We will be working on development and improvements of games and service from different perspectives. Very interesting and challenging year is upcoming. As we’re going to enter the next level by offering bespoke studios for our partners. I can’t give you more details now but it’s going to be big in the future!
What do you think about the future of the European gambling industry, especially focusing on the markets you have more experience in?
CM: Although Europe is very much considered a “single state” in terms of economic significance, and is to some extent governed by legislation passed by the European Union, the individual countries are still ultimately responsible for passing their own laws. I hope that soon the legislation or regulation will standardize the gambling throughout Europe. Because now particularly online gambling, throughout the continent is quite a challenge. Personally, I would like to see no grey or black markets in the map. But that process will take some time.
From the Gambelli case of a few years ago to the latest development in different EU members states, I think that a pan-European gaming license is more than needed.
Talking of markets size, England and Italy are always the most important but today everyone is looking at countries and regulations like Spain, Portugal, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Greece… We are not an exception and we are very active in getting new licenses or certifications to be able to offer our games in more and more countries. We already have a UK GC license and the games were recently also certified for Italy (went live in September 2017 on Microgame network) and Bulgaria where we recently signed a very important deal with EFBet. Other certifications and licenses are expected for the next months but not only in Europe.
If you could make major changes in the legislation of these markets what would they be?
CM: I would make and effort in general to have the same rules for licensing or certification in different gaming legislations. You will find legislations in which we can offer our games because we have the lottery games and other where you can’t because of that. Legislations in which our games are categorized as fixed odds betting and other in which are considered casino games. I think an harmonization of rules and taxation is very important for the future development of the industry.
Which has been the most successful experience since you have worked at BetGames.TV?
CM: Last week we were in London at the SBC Awards with a nomination as Best Multi-Channel Supplier. But in the last two months we also were included in the Deloitte Fast50 technology companies in Eastern Europe and last week in Paris we entered the FAST500 in EMEA….
Also very exciting for me to actively work to bring our games to companies of the like of Stars Group, Betway, Game Account, BetCart, EFBet, Microgame, Snai, Sisal, Eurobet, Pinnacle, GVC, Betsson Group, iSOFTBet, NYX, SBTech, Hattrick.
Who is your favorite actor or actress?
CM: Hmmmm I’d say Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep
Where would you travel the most in Central Europe?
CM: Sofia, Bucharest and Prague for sure but I also have to mention Sarajevo, Belgrade and Skopije. All those cities are growing so fast in our industry and I’m sure we will also visit them more and more often in the future.
Exclusive Interview with Adrian Bailey, Managing Director, at Pariplay Ltd.
Szaló Réka talked to Adrian Bailey, MD of Pariplay Ltd. Adrian is driven by thrill, excitement and passion and as long as something special is being created along the way he feels content.
We’d first like to ask you to introduce yourself. It’s always nice to hear industry professionals say a few words about themselves for our audience.
Adrian Bailey (AB): I have over 10 years’ experience in the gaming sector. I’ve previously held VP of Marketing and Managing Director positions at two of the world’s largest gaming companies, Caesars Interactive Entertainment and NeoGames. I’ve been instrumental in driving the strategy and growth at both firms, where I created, managed and led multiple marketing and operational teams.
My current role as MD of Pariplay focuses on driving the overall strategy for the development studio and our suite of platforms, as well as positioning the company as a major tech player in the global gaming industry.
Pariplay is a developer of online games and systems for the online casino and iLottery verticals. There are now many game developers out there, so what makes your company unique?
AB: We’re the largest supplier and aggregation platform of games to private lottery operators, and our speed of integration is very rapid due to our lightweight and modern code base integration. Another unique selling point is our innovation in game functionality.
We’re also the first iGaming company to launch an e-commerce solution for the private lottery industry, enabling bulk buying and checkout options on a game level.
2017 has been pretty exciting for Pariplay. You’ve signed strategic partnerships with Playson, Twelve40 and iSoftBet, and partnered with Betsson, and many more. Would you say that you’ve reached all of your targets for this year?
AB: We’ve still got a lot of goals for 2017 and plenty more to come. We’ve achieved over £1.2 billion in bets and launched with 20 new operators so far, along with adding eight new vendors.
One of our biggest content partnerships this year was with GVC, which we signed back in May. We’ve only just integrated our first batch of games with the operator, spanning a range of GVC online casino brands.
In terms of content, we’ve launched eight new games this year. Looking ahead, we plan to bring to market even more content. Over the course of 2018, we’ve got plans to launch 20 original and branded titles.
We think Jack in the Box is an interesting game to bring to the online gambling industry. How well has it been received, and what was the main motivation behind this particular gamification project?
AB: The response has been impressive so far. It’s been our best launch to date, in terms of new and existing customers.
The main idea behind the game was to give the player a ‘greater sense of winning’, while increasing their sense of anticipation. For example, the ‘Big Wild’ is a very visual feature, which, if hit, has the potential to deliver a large win. We make sure that the player gets the opportunity to feel every feature.
As a closing question, we’d like to ask about your future projects. Could you fill us in on some upcoming launches and potential incoming partnerships?
We have another video slot title in our ongoing content partnership with Atari scheduled to launch early in the new year. The game will be a real nostalgia trip for those who remember the original Atari console games. It will also be packed with fantastic features and graphics for the younger players who don’t recall the arcade originals. Overall, we’re committed to launching one or two new games a month in 2018.
With regards to new partnerships, we pride ourselves on discretion. Basically, watch this space for some very exciting announcements in the not-too-distant future.
Exclusive Interview with Michal Shinitzky, Managing Director at Pangea Localization Services
Our colleague, Szaló Réka talked to Michal Shinitzky. With extensive marketing knowledge in her field, Michal brought her experience and professionalism to Pangea as managing director. Pangea, established in 2015, is a translation, localization and content service targeting online gaming, trading and cryptocurrency companies.With expertise in translation, localization and content, Michal has had over 15 years’ experience in various senior positions at some of the world’s largest online gaming companies.
Thank you very much for being available for this interview. First I would like to ask you to shortly introduce yourself.
Shinitzky: Thank you for taking the time to interview me! I’m Michal, the Managing Director of Pangea Localization Services. I’m based in Cyprus but I’m originally from Israel. After years of working in the online gaming industry in various senior positions, I took matters into my own hands by launching Pangea in 2015. It’s been a fun ride ever since.
Pangea Localization Services is a translation, localization and content service provider offering a complete package of translation services in a wide range of languages, but it is also specialized in gaming-related content. Will you please tell us more about your company and why did you choose gaming?
Shinitzky: Well, I’ve had over 15 years’ experience working at some of the world’s largest gaming companies like 888 and PokerStars. Not only am I considerably knowledgeable about this industry but it’s where I’m most familiar and comfortable. It’s one of the industries we target because I know what works, and what businesses in that field need in terms of content.
The company has been recently awarded with the “Rising Star Award” and the “Great User Experience Award”. We congratulate you for this great appreciation and achievement! What do these awards mean to you and your colleagues and will they affect the future of the company?
Shinitzky: Thank you! We were very proud to have received these rewards by FinancesOnline. It feels great to have our services recognized and honored like that. I think it has encouraged and motivated us to work even harder. We’re now aiming to win even more by different reviewers – it’s sort of becoming an addiction (laughs). As our first official awards, they will definitely go down in Pangea’s history books.
Let us turn back now to the presentation of the company. Please tell us more about the services you offer and which are the languages that you can provide services in?
Shinitzky: Pangea offers translation and localization services in over 40 languages including French, Russian, Arabic and Chinese. We also provide copywriting services like article writing, blog posts, marketing material or web content. SEO services are also a major part of our business and blog management is, too. Other than content, we also provide localized graphic design.
What can you tell us about the projects you have worked on so far, and the difficulties and successes you have experienced?
Shinitzky: One of our greatest and most unique qualities is being able to deliver projects quickly and in short notice – this is very rare in the translation industry and we’re one of the very few who do it. This may be a challenge for us at times but we always make the client happy in the end. One of our major strengths is our project managers who are extremely dedicated to their clients. We also have a strong team of translators who use the most modern and helpful technology. Our unique translation process works like a waterfall – we translate, proofread and deliver it all as fast as possible whilst maintaining quality.
Accuracy and professionalism are key values regarding translations and content writing. How can these be achieved? What are the most important factors and values that Pangea Localization Services considers important?
Shinitzky: Quality and accuracy are the core essence of our brand. We ensure these values by hiring only qualified, professional and native linguists. Our translators and writers are also experts in their fields – they’ve got an extensive background in iGaming, trading or ICOs. This way, we provide an end-result that’s accurate, makes sense and uses the right terminology for the specific industry and market. Every translation performed at Pangea also gets proofread and reviewed by a second linguist. Products get QA treatment upon request to make sure that the content is of 100% quality with zero errors.
What is your opinion about the language gambling industry uses? Are there major problems, mistakes, which should not be used anymore?
Shinitzky: Our linguists know the ins and outs of the gaming industry. They know how to communicate this field in any language. Our translators and writers make sure not to confuse certain words with other meanings. For example “push” in poker has a totally different meaning to its literal term. We know when to translate a word or phrase or when to keep the original term in English. There are many who would rush to translate a word when, really, the lingo or term should remain in its original language. At Pangea, we keep our translations authentic. We want the result to sound natural.
What upcoming events is the company focusing on nowadays and how prepared is the company for these events?
Shinitzky: Our next venture is attending the ICE Totally Gaming expo in London. This is where our main target clients will be so we’re looking forward to being there and meeting many potentials. We’ll also be attending the London Affiliate Conference where more iGaming operators will be present. We’re always ready for these events. Our team always has a booth and company brochures and leaflets to give out.
Please, tell us more about the future plans of Pangea Localization Services.
Shinitzky: Just like we help clients go global, I want Pangea to go global. Our ultimate goal is to continue growing as the leading translation and content service for the iGaming, online trading and ICO industry. We want to open more companies around the world and build a client-base globally.
Who is your favorite actor or actress?
Shinitzky: Meryl Streep
Where would you travel the most in Central Europe?
Shinitzky: Germany
What does success mean to you?
Shinitzky: Success for me is when our reputation is known around the world. I’ll know that I’m truly successful when people start recommending Pangea for translation above all others. I want Pangea to be the first translation service that comes to mind.
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